Monday, October 20, 2008

San Antonio Sighting.

here is a sighting reported in North San Antonio (about 40 miles from me)

This occurred sometime between summer of 1985-summer of 1986. I can't recall the exact time of year, but know it was warm (not a lot of help for south Texas). I was living in an apartment complex in NW San Antonio, TX, at the time, right on Huebner Rd. near Babcock. One night, my brother and I - both adults - were outside just talking, something we did frequently. We noticed some large creature just Huebner, flying very close above the utility wires along the road. The creature was large, at least six feet, though I believe it was more like 8-10 feet in wingspan. I know it was larger than any buzzard we had seen, and those can be big in Texas. Also, the shape was unlike any bird of prey that I have ever seen. This thing flew, or glided, back & forth over the wires for at least ten minutes while we watched. neither of us could recall exactly how long we observed this thing. The shape seemed more bat-like than bird-like, though that isn't right either. In later years, after reading about pterosaur sightings, and recalling this thing, that description seems most like what we saw. Being avid zoo-goers, and having seen many water birds, I can state that this was none of those with certainty. The flight patterns were wrong, as was the shape. One thing about this creature; whatever it was, it seemed to be watching us, and we both were very creeped out by the whole thing. There was a very real sense of threat from this creature, and I firmly believe that, had we stayed outside for too much longer, we might have been attacked by the thing. Perhaps all that prevented this was that there were two of us; I don't know. I have read other reports of pterosaur sightings that inspired a similar fear, and while no one can explain this, it reinforces my belief that this is what we saw. While I would love for proof of these things to be found, I don't know if I ever want to see another one. posted by Debbie Fisher

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