Friday, October 17, 2008


DHC member Seve' Gomez and I were kayaking on the San Marcos river 2 nights ago. (Oct 15th 2008) We had a great time.. The sun started going down sooner than we would have liked. but we expected it. Now .. I have been in the field investigating many cryptids in the past. Since I have moved from southeast Texas to central Texas (San Marcos) I haven't seen or experienced any cryptid activity. Studying this area I thought I might have a chance to see a chubacabras, but no luck there.

Two nights ago I had my first cryptid experience since my move. No wild apes, no red wolves, Big Cats, or ivory billed woodpeckers this time. No .. my dreams have come true in the cryptozoology field.. I saw a Pterosaur.

It is easier for me to to accept this than others because I do not believe the earth is 4.6 billion years old. I know the big thing that people talk about when they have a Pterodactyl sighting is ...
"How could they have survived for 65 million years?" ...LOL, but no one will think out side the box and question the science of the world even when the evidence is obvious.

We were not paddling, just kind of riding the current since the current was so strong after a lot of rain. The sun wasn't all the way down, so there was still enough light to see where we were going. We were in mid sentence talking when a high pitched shriek came from the top of a tree along the river interrupted us. There were multiple shrill squawks, like 4 maybe 5 enough that shut us up and get our attention, it was extremely loud! I looked up at the tree and saw it jump from one branch to another before it took off repelling the tree limb back like a catapult, this thing was heavy and big. It flew right over us and off in to the distance down the river. We had a good 15 to 20 seconds watching this thing fly. The wing shape was the most obvious and distinct.. they indicated no feathers and tapered to sharp points on the end just like a Pterosaur. And I saw what looked like a bump on the back of its head also the shape of a Pterosaur. I would estimate that it was about 6' (or greater) wingspan.. It was definitely bigger than a normal crane. We even say some cranes later to compare. Also bigger than a vulture witch I have seen up to 6' wingspan, so I know it was big. This is huge for me. Now, I am on a mission. This is why I am starting DHC.

This is a lot like what I saw. Just to give a visual.

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